Saturday, May 24, 2014

Vacation 2.0

The last vacation I took a month or so ago didn't exactly go off with a bang. I was really disappointed that even going to the beach, something I love more than anything, could be hard for me.

With a solid foundation of progress though, I feel great this time. I'm here with P's family and while I get the sense they all have their reservations about crazy Cakies as P calls me, I am having a great time. We arrived yesterday after midnight and slept in late today so I'm well rested, well fed, and feeling like this is where I belong.

We've spent all day at the beach this morning and afternoon, and I'm the lone ranger here now. I just took a short beach walk and feel a certain sense of calm that I rarely ever feel in a bikini. I think I'm finally letting go of my body image issues and realizing that every blemish, hair, and stretch mark is unique, not sometime to take care of. If I can continue learning to love my body, perhaps I can continue to love myself.

We're here until Tuesday and my goals are to (or course) stay sober and not purge a single time. So far, so good!

Happy memorial day weekend, y'all!

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