Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Post hectic-work-day dog run

Many of my posts this week include my good gal Lula. Her pops, P, is out of town for work and while we miss him, the ladies enjoy some bonding time too. Today was a particularly stressful day at work for a variety of reasons and I'm so glad to come home and take a walk with my girl.

My dissertation project will wrap up its second phase of data collection in about a month, so everything at work is crazy. Luckily, I started my day with my run so I was less prone to anxiety, but my regular meals were seriously disrupted with out of the office meetings at 9, 10, and 11:30. I planned ahead and brought snacks, though not enough to constitute meals, leaving me starving at the end of the morning. With a Publix veggie wrap to save the day though, I got back on track. I am so glad that I feel worried instead of proud when I know I don't eat enough.

Tonight, I'm walking with Lula (now in the sprinkling rain), going to an eating disorder support group for the first time in weeks, then coming home to cook dinner and rest up for Thursday!

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