Saturday, May 17, 2014

Little things

Something I've never been good at doing is prioritizing myself and my needs. I'm very good at taking care of others and making sure everything goes off without a hitch. I still think it's fine and dandy to take care of others, especially because it makes me feel really good, but I will often neglect myself. Instead of even considering what I might want or need, others consistently come first and I wind up exhausted, lonely, and detached from myself. 

Todat after my neighborhood walk, chores, and a little bit of dissertation work, I decided to paint my toenails. As a runner, I should absolutely make this a priority to hide the bruises, blisters, and calluses that comprise my feet. But I often have no time for little things like slapping two coats of neon orange polish on those bad boys. Something as simple as painting my toenails, which is really a manifestation of self-care, is such a help. It gives me time with me - without P, my friends, my sponsor, and all of my growing list of obligations. Most importantly, by taking care of myself and prioritizing me, I find some relief from the eating disorder and addiction.

I highly recommend taking time to do you this weekend. It's worth so much more than presentable feet.

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