Sunday, September 14, 2014

"Good days"

I have been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, anxiety, and depression. It's so interesting, and equally devastating I suppose, that I define recovery from these demons based on a set of criteria that are appealing to me.

For example, I feel recovered on days:

1. I kill my 6-mile run.
2. I sneak in another 2-4 miles throughout the day.
3. I do not purge, because I do not binge.
4. I stick to my strictly defined food allowances that I estimate provide around 1600 calories.
5. I achieve something that resembles a good mood and, now that I consider it, bears a strong resemblance to a starvation high.

This is what happens when we choose our own rules and definitions for recovery. I won't even begin to list what happens the next day...

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