Monday, February 10, 2014

Residential treatment starts in 3, 2, 1

Well folks, I'm elipticaling and running my little heart out at a random hotel in southern Florida before leaving for residential treatment this morning. I drove 10 hours alone yesterday and spent my last evening at the hotel alone, too, but managed to not binge and purge. Instead, I finished 16 miles last night and have put in another 10 before 8 am today. I weigh 95 pounds at 5'4. Residential has to work.

The most difficult part of this process will be losing my running capabilities and access to this blog. Don't worry though, I'm going to journal these 30 days away because what else do I have to do besides read the 15 books I brought while getting chubs?

This is going to be, hands down, the most difficult month of my 26 years thus far, but I'm resolved to make the most of it. I have too much life to live and too much to lose to waste it on calories, miles, numbers, calculations, and compensation. I can't wait to start really living so I'll see you folks on the flip side!

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